can rabbits eat mango
can rabbits eat mango?

Can Rabbits Eat Mango?

Can rabbits eat mango? Yes. Mango is a safe fruit you can serve to your rabbits. When you have fresh fruit like mango you will have a doubt whether it is safe to give mangoes to rabbits. Mango is a good nutritious fruit for rabbits. But we must feed them in limited amounts in moderation. Mango contains essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, healthy fiber, and other proteins. Because of the high sugar levels and acidic content, Mangos can be harmful to rabbis if we overfeed them.

The best thing as a rabbit lover is you must always look for information and guideline before serving new food to your rabbit. Take your time and learn all the things you need to know about new food. At Rabbit Food Guide we provide all the things you need to know about rabbit foods. There is a lot more to talk about mangos and rabbits. In this article, we cover all the things about Mango, Mango peels, Mango seeds, the good side, and bad side, how much we should provide for rabbits, and all other things you should know.

Let’s start without any delay!!!

Video Credit For Maryiam Jha YouTube Channel

Extra Information About Mango

Mangoes are a popular fruit in the world from an early age. Mangoes are related to the cashew family. Mango trees are grown in tropical climates. In the U.S mangoes are widely grown in Florida and California. Nowadays we use both ripe and unripe mangoes for many products. We can use unripe mangos for pickles and chutneys. Using ripe mangoes we can make jams, drinks, etc.

Even a medium-sized mango can provide daily needs of vitamin C and vitamin A. Mangoes can provide many health benefits for both humans and animals. Mangoes are rich in beta carotene which helps to prevent the risk of cancer.

According to the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE(USDA), 100g of mango portion contains

Total lipid (fat)0.38g
Carbohydrate, 14.98g
Fiber, total dietary1.6g
Sugars, total including NLEA13.66g

Vitamins and Minerals

Calcium, Ca11mg
Iron, Fe0.16mg
Magnesium, Mg10mg
Phosphorus, P14mg
Potassium, K168mg
Sodium, Na1mg
Zinc, Zn0.09mg
Copper, Cu0.111mg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid36.4mg
Vitamin B-60.119mg
Vitamin A, RAE54µg
Carotene, beta640µg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)4.2µg
Fatty acids, total saturated0.092g
can rabbits eat mango peels

Do Rabbits Like Mango?

Yes. Most of the time they will love to eat mango. Don’t ever try to overfeed them. It can cause health problems in rabbits. Rabbits love to eat sweet fruits like mango. Due to the sugar content, they like the flavor of mango. But keep in mind they will addict to sweet food like mango. When we give them too many sweet foods, they think they will always get some sweet foods to eat. Because of that, they will try to avoid the necessary diet.

Rabbits do not care about health. They keep eating foods they like. So, it’s up to us to care for the rabbit’s health. Keep in mind to limit the mango amount and feed them only in moderation.

is safe to eat mango for rabbits


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Can Rabbits Have Mango?

Yes, mangoes are safer to be eaten by rabbits. If we feed them more often, high sugar content may cause health issues. It’s definitely safe for rabbits’ health as long as we feed them small mango portions in moderation.

Don’t try to feed mango to baby rabbits. You can start feeding mango to more than 4 months older rabbits. Feed them mangoes as an occasional treat. It is really good for rabbits’ health. Don’t try to overfeed foods that contain high sugar content to your rabbits. It can lead to digestive disorders like GL stasis.

Is Mango Good For Rabbit

Mango is good for Rabbits. Mango is rich in many nutrients that are good for rabbits’ health. It’s a good source of vitamins, minerals & fiber which are essential nutrients for rabbits. And it contains nutrients like iron, lutein, phosphorus, and beta-carotene.

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All parts of Mango contain fiber that helps digestion. Even with all these benefits, Mango can be bad for rabbits if the right precautions are not taken. Therefore, mangoes should be fed as an occasional treat for rabbits.

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How Often We Should Provide Mangoes To Rabbits

Mangoes are a good fruit for your rabbit only if we feed them according to a proper guide. A small number of mangoes can provide good health benefits for them. Overfeeding can cause many health problems.

You can provide1 a teaspoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s weight. You can serve fresh mango portions once a week to rabbits. Don’t try to overfeed them with mangoes. Always keep the moderation.

Proper Guide To Feed Mangos To Rabbits

We know now mango a is good, natural food for rabbits. But there is a guide you must follow before feeding mango. Let us check it out.

Before introducing mango to rabbits for the first time, you need to start up with small portions. Keep inspecting them carefully. If they show some illness, stop feeding mango and only feed the rabbit’s daily diet (Diarrhea, lethargy, constipation, and loss of appetite are some of the illnesses). 

Don’t try to introduce many kinds of food at the same time & try to give the same food until they are fully adapted to eat. Keep in mind to introduce a small portion of the new food with the regular diet. Follow up the rules for better rabbit health. This must be done for the mango if you introduce rabbits for the first time.

Steps for feeding mango to rabbits

  1. First, pick fresh ripe mangoes for your rabbits
  2. Wash it carefully until we remove the pesticides and dirt. These things will harm your rabbit’s health.
  3. Cut into small portions that the rabbit can easily eat
  4. Don’t try to peel the skin but keep in mind to remove the mango seed 
benifits for rabbits from mango

Mango Health Benefits To Rabbits

Mango is a high nutrient-dense food. Mango can help to decrease the risk of audacity. Mango is also good for a healthy heart. Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber nutrients are also contained in mango. Let’s check all the nutrients that are good for rabbits one by one.

Mango is low in calories yet high in nutrients — particularly vitamin C, which aids immunity, iron absorption, growth, and repair. Mango is a good source of folate, several B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, K, and E — all of which help to boost immunity. Mango contains magnesium, potassium, and the antioxidant mangiferin, which support healthy heart function.

Mango is a good source of beta carotene: Beta carotene is one of the best antioxidants that are given by orange/green fruits. It helps your rabbits to reduce the probability of cancer risk, protects them from heart disease & reduces muscular degeneration. Decreases the risk of obesity: Mango is also rich in fiber & it helps your rabbits to keep feeling fuller. It helps to keep a healthy digestive system.

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Increase sharp vision for rabbits. Mango is rich in beta-carotene which gives orange color. And it’s converted to vitamin A in the rabbit’s body. Vitamin A is an essential need for rabbits to keep good eyesight. Mango also contains lutein and zeaxanthin which helps to prevent muscular degeneration. If you are looking for better immunity for rabbits, Mango is a good treat for them. Vitamin A can help to fight infections, viruses, and diseases. Vitamin C can help your rabbits to recover from colds faster.

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Skin (Mango peels)?

Rabbits can eat mango skin. It is not toxic for rabbits. It contains good nutrition for your rabbit’s growth. Sometimes, rabbits will not eat the skin. Because the mango skin contains less sugar. Most of the time rabbits only eat the inside raw flesh mango. Don’t worry if your rabbits do not eat the peels, it’s a common issue for all the rabbits.

It’s better if you can serve organic mango skin for rabbits. They do not contain pesticides.

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Seeds?

When you are feeding mangoes to rabbits, you must pay attention to the mango seed. These mango seeds don’t contain good nutrients for rabbits. If they eat mango seeds it may lead to stomach problems in your rabbits. And these mango seeds are covered with a compound that is hard for rabbits to digest. You must remove the seed before feeding mangoes to your rabbit.

Can Bunnies Eat Mango?

Bunnies have a sensitive gastrointestinal system more than adult rabbits. We definitely take some precautions before feeding them. Generally, we don’t provide Vegetables or Fruits until they are 3-4 months old. When we change the foods it can be affected to Bunny’s digestive system. Diarrhea can be a serious health issue for baby rabbits. After they are eligible to eat, first try to feed juicy vegetables for them. Avoid feeding Mangos for bunnies.

Risk Of Overfeeding Mangoes For Rabbits

We need to be careful before feeding high sugar content food like Mangoes. Overfeeding them may lead to critical health issues in rabbits.

  • Mango has high sugar content; it can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria in the digestive system. This causes an upset stomach, loose stools, stomach pain & diarrhea. 
  • Too much sugar in a diet can also lead to obesity issues. This may lead to many varieties of health problems in rabbits.
  • Some rabbits are allergic to Mango. Be careful if you try to feed your rabbits for the first time. Follow the guide mentioned above.
  • Mango contains sugars-sucrose, fructose, and glucose that can provide good energy for the rabbits. Overfeeding them it can lead to interstitial problems and hyperactivity in your rabbits.
How much rabbits can eat mango

What Rabbits Really Need For Their Diet

Your rabbit’s diet should mainly contain fresh quality hay, grass, and clean water. Unlimited Hay supply is extremely important for their health. This guide will give you an overall idea of the things that should be contained in the rabbit’s diet.

Freshwater: They must have an unlimited supply of freshwater. Use water bowls, it’s easy for rabbits to drink water & easy to clean. Make sure to change the water daily.

Unlimited Quality Hay: Keep feeding fresh grass hays. We recommend giving good types of hays to your rabbit. Such as timothy, orchard grass, etc.

Pellets: For bunnies, you can provide timothy hay pellets in a very small amount. For adult rabbits, you need to provide one-quarter of a cup daily.

Vegetables: Feed them daily 1 -2 cups of fresh vegetables. some good vegetables are bok choy, carrot, endive, brussels sprouts, basil, mint, green leaf, red leaf, etc.

Fresh Fruits: Give a small amount of portions 1 -2 per week. Some good fruits are apple, banana, berries, cherries, grapes, papaya, plum, watermelon, etc.


As we know now mango is good, natural food for rabbits. If we feed them more often, high sugar content may cause health issues. It’s definitely safe for rabbits’ health as long as we feed them small mango portions in moderation.

You can provide 1 teaspoon per 2 pounds of your rabbit’s weight. You can serve fresh mango portions once a week for rabbits. Rabbits can eat mango skin. It is not toxic for rabbits. It contains good nutrition for your rabbit’s growth. Mangoes are one of the good fruits for rabbits. You can add those to your rabbit’s diet. Keep in mind to serve them only a limited amount. I think this article covers all the things you should know about Mango before feeding it to your Rabbits.

Thank You !!!

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