can rabbit eat mint
can rabbit eat mint

Can Rabbits Eat Mint?

Can rabbits eat mint? Yes. Mint is one of the safest herbs that we can feed rabbits. Most of the varieties are good for rabbits. Mint contains essential nutrients that help for the growth of rabbits. Some of them are dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and copper. Mint is a healthy herb for rabbits only if we feed in small amounts. There are no toxic parts in the mint plant. A small amount of mint can aid your rabbit’s nutritional requirement.

Healthy rabbits need a well-balanced diet with nutrients and vitamins. Don’t try to overfeed them with Mint. Rabbits’ diet is mainly covered with fresh water and good quality hay. Rabbits need a good diet with high fiber, low in sugar and fat. You can add safely limited Mint to a rabbit’s diet. Mint is rich in nutrition that is good for rabbit’s health. There is a lot more to talk about Mint. In Mint, most of the plant parts are good for rabbits and some plant parts are bad for rabbits. This article covers all the things you should know about Mint before feeding to your rabbits.

Let’s get started!!!

Video Credit For Rex Rabbit Rex YouTube Channel

Extra Information About Mint

Mint is categorized as a Lamiaceae family plant. Nowadays there are more than 15 varieties of mint species around the world. Mint is a perennial herb with a strong fragrance, toothed leaves, and tiny purple, pink, or white flowers. They have a strong unique mint flavor and fresh clean scent. They come in different colors. Some of them are purple, gray, green, and yellow, etc. Most of the time people harvest young mint leaves as they have the best flavor and texture. When the leaves are matured, they become bitter and woodsy in flavor. Mints are available all year around.

Mint comes with many health benefits to humans and animals. Mint is a popular herb. People use fresh or dried Mint in many dishes and infusions. Mint is a rich source of vitamins A, C, and B2. It also contains valuable minerals such as calcium, copper, and magnesium. Mint can provide many health benefits like managing gastrointestinal problems, prevent from allergies, soothing common cold symptoms, and many more. 

According to, 100g of mint has these nutrients.

Carbs Total8.41 g
Dietary fiber6.8 g
Fat0.73 g
Protein3.29 g

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitaminium A4054 IU
Vitaminium B1 (Thiamine)0.078 mg
Vitaminium B2 (riboflavin)0.175 mg
Vitaminium B3 (Niacin)0.948 mg
Vitaminium B60.158 mg
Vitaminium C13.3 mg
Potassium458 mg
Magnesium63 mg
Calcium199 mg
Iron11.87 mg
how to feed mint for rabbitsss

Types Of Mint Good For Rabbits

There are many types of Mint in the market. Try to find organic foods as much as you can. It’s good for the rabbit’s health. Most of the market vegetables are covered with wax and fertilizers which are bad for rabbit health. Always only feed fresh Mint and wash them carefully before feeding to rabbits. There are many varieties of mint plants. Be careful when you are choosing mint plants. Pennyroyal mint plants are unsafe for rabbits. Apart from the pennyroyal mint plants, other mints plants are healthy for rabbits. These are some common healthy mint plants that we can serve rabbits.

  • Peppermint: This variety is mostly used for the manufacture of toothpaste and chewing gum. Peppermint is used as a treatment for bloating and indigestion. These are also used as natural decongestants.
  • Lemon balm: This lemon balm is mostly used for tea and potpourris.
  • Spearmint: These leaves and plant oil are mostly used for medicine. Spearmint is good for digestive disorders, diarrhea, and gallstones, etc.
  • Lavender: Dried Lavender mint is most often used though fresh Lavender can be used for cooking, baking, or as a garnish. A few sprigs are all that are required because of the intensity of their aroma. These lavenders are used for making tea.
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Do Rabbits Like To Eat Mint

It can change from time to time. Some rabbits will like to eat fresh mint leaves. Most of the time rabbits don’t like to eat mint because of its strong smell. First, you can offer them a few Mints to check whether they like it or not.

If your rabbits don’t like to eat Mint, it’s ok & it’s normal. Some rabbits don’t like the flavor of Mint.

Tip: When you introduce new food to rabbits, always give a small portion of it to the rabbit’s daily diet. Make sure to introduce one new food type at a time. These things apply to any type of food. Rabbits’ health is in your hands.

do rabbits like to eat mint


Is Mint Good For Rabbits?

Mint is a good herbal plant for rabbits. Yes, it is safer for rabbits. Mint contains essential vitamins, fiber, minerals & antioxidants for rabbits. But you should offer only a small amount in your rabbit’s daily diet. Mint can provide many health benefits to your rabbits. Apart from the pennyroyal mint plant, other mints plants are healthy for rabbits.

Rabbits’ main source should be hay. We should prioritize hay in the regular diet plan. Overall nutrition can be covered by hay. Unlike humans, fiber is essential for rabbits. It can prevent bad bacteria from forming in the intestines. Some of the bacteria can lead to critical health issues in rabbits. This is why we should give priority to hay. But rabbits can’t live eating hay all day long. We must add veggies and fruits to their daily diet. At the end of this article, we provide you the general diet plan for rabbits. It will help you to understand.

How Often Should We Feed Mint

Mints are a good vegetable for your rabbit only if we feed them according to a proper guide. An amount of Mint can provide good health benefits for rabbits. Overfeeding can cause gastrointestinal distress and lead to many health issues.

You can provide a small amount of mint safely to your rabbits. Provide them fresh raw mint portions once or twice a week.

how to feed mint for rabbits

Benefits Of  Mint  For Rabbits

Mint has many essential nutrients and health benefits for rabbits. It contains carbohydrates, dietary fibers, proteins, vitamins complex B, Vitamin A, C, K, and E, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, and calcium, etc. Mint can add high dietary fiber to rabbits’ diet. It avoids gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, gases, and bloating.

Mint can improve the performance of your rabbit brain functions. Mint is low in oxalic acid that is good for rabbits’ health.

Vitamin C helps muscle development in rabbits & it helps to maintain a healthy blood system. Vitamin C act as an antioxidant that helps the bones, skin, and connective tissues. Vitamin C is essential for rabbits, as lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy disease. This is a common illness among rabbits.

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Mint is a fine source of Vitamin K. It will help to maintain healthy bones. It increases the efficiency of the immune systems in rabbits. Mint provides vitamin E. Vitamin E also acts as an antioxidant in the rabbit’s body. 

Fiber helps to increase the efficiency of the digestive systems in rabbits. Vitamin A improves your pet’s vision and develops bones. Mint is a good supplier of beta-carotene that helps to prevent age-related blindness.

Mint is rich in potassium and magnesium. According to researches, these nutrients can reduce the risk of death by heart diseases. Potassium can protect from muscle mass loss and reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. 

is mint safe for rabbits?

Type Of Mint Bad For Rabbits (Pennyroyal)

Most varieties of mint are safe for rabbits. But Pennyroyal mint is bad even for humans. These mints contain more than 80% of cyclohexanone pulegone. These mints are considered toxic for rabbits. Avoid feeding this type of mint to your rabbits. Basically, there are two types of pennyroyal mints.

  •  European pennyroyal  
  • American pennyroyal

These pennyroyal mints can be identified easily from their flowers. American pennyroyal mint has pale blue color flower and European pennyroyal has lilac color. If your rabbit eats pennyroyal accidentally, they will show some symptoms like,

  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • high body temperature
  • Weakness

Go to the vet and take immediate medication for your rabbits.

Can Rabbits Eat Mint Leaves And Flowers? 

Mint leaves are the most nutritious part of the mint plant. They contain nutrients that help the healthy growth of rabbits. Mint flowers are also not toxic for rabbits. Mint flowers flavor is also like mint leaves.

Can Rabbits Eat Mint Stem And Roots?

All of the mint plant parts are eligible for rabbits. Stems are also good for rabbits. But make sure not to over-limit the amount of mint that should be given to rabbits. Roots are not toxic for rabbits. Mint root doesn’t contain beneficial nutrition for rabbits. It’s better we avoid feeding roots to rabbits.

Other Good Foods You Can Provide To Rabbits

Rabbit’s diet should mainly be covered with quality hay and grass. In addition, we can provide a small portion of vegetables and fruits. We recommend giving two cups of fresh vegetables to adult rabbits daily.

  • Bell peppers
  • Bok choy
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Endive
  • Green leaf
  • Red leaf
  • Parsley
  • Fennel

Fresh fruits should be served one or two times per week as a treat.

  • Grapes
  • Banana
  • Berries
  • Melon
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Plum
  • Watermelon
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Orange
Mint benefits of rabbits

Best Common Healthy Diet To Feed Your Rabbit

We need to make a good meal plan for rabbits. We need to provide them with good quality foods. Before feeding rabbits with new food, check whether it’s good for rabbits. As a good rabbit owner, check whether you cover all the guidelines mentioned below. It’s a general food guide for rabbits.

  • Good Quality Grass Hay -I recommend Timothy hay as the most popular/good, all-around unlimited offer to your rabbits. Orchardgrass, meadow fescues are also good for rabbits. Hay is the main food supply. Hay will help your rabbits to stay healthy and strong and maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Fresh Water – Ensure rabbits can have clean, freshwater 24/7. Water bows are most commonly used to supply water for rabbits.
  • Provide Good Quality Leafy Greens – Provide them with 5-6 varieties of safe washed green vegetables, weeds, herbs daily (arugula, basil, kale, cabbage, etc.). Try to introduce new greens in small portions.
  • Treats & Fresh Fruits – For the safety of rabbits, only provide 1 -2 tablespoons per day. Feed carrots, apples, blueberries, etc.
  • Provide Good Quality Pellets – It is good to have a small number of healthy pellets daily. There are too many products out there, keep it in your mind to supply quality and healthy foods for rabbits

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Mint is a good herbal plant for rabbits. Mint contains essential vitamins, fiber, minerals & antioxidants for rabbits. But you should offer only a small amount in your rabbit’s daily diet. Mint can provide many health benefits for your rabbits. Most varieties of mint are safe for rabbits. But Pennyroyal mint is even bad for humans. Avoid feeding Pemmytoal mint for rabbits. Always maintain a good nutritional diet for rabbits.

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