can rabbits eat celery
can rabbits eat celery?

Can Rabbits Eat Celery?

Can rabbits eat celery? YES, rabbits can eat celery. Celery is a good nutritious leafy green for rabbits. Most of the time we can see celery leaves in the market. As a rabbit lover, you will always want to know whether celery is safer to serve rabbits. YES, celery is rich in essential nutrition for rabbits, and rabbits like the crunchy taste. But we must limit the amount of celery. Always feed a small amount of Celery & keep the moderation. It’s totally safe to provide a small portion of Celery to your rabbits if they like those.

Rabbits are herbivores. But we can’t provide a full diet with vegetables and fruits. Rabbits’ major food source must be fresh quality hay and grass. They take almost all the nutrition from hay supplies. We can serve a small number of vegetables in their daily diet as other nutritious foods. Celery can provide extra nutrition to your rabbits as a part of a balanced diet. Celery can provide many health benefits to rabbits and also there is a potential health risk to rabbits. This article covers all the health benefits, nutrition facts, overfeeding health issues & many more things that you should know before feeding Celery to your rabbits.

Let’s start without any delay!!!

Video Credit For My Rabbit YouTube Channel

Extra Information About Celery?

Celery is mainly categorized in the parsley family. Celery is a popular food for low-calorie snacks and contains many nutrients. Celery has a long fibrous stalk tapering into leaves. Celery is popular as a snack, or with a dipping sauce. Some add sliced celery to savory dishes like stir-fries, braises, stews, pies, or soups. Celery is available throughout the year. Celery has juicy and crunchy flesh with a mild salty flavor.

Celery is a low-calorie vegetable with high water content and contains a sufficient dose of fiber, along with some vitamins and minerals. It’s convenient as an on-the-go snack as well as a vegetable that can be incorporated into cooked dishes, stir-fries, and salads.
celery good for rabbits

Celery leaves and stalks can be eaten cooked or raw. More than 90 % is water. The celery plant has many health benefits. Preventing inflammation, preventing cancer risk, maintain blood pressure, good for hyperlipidemia are some of the health benefits that celery can provide.

According to the USDA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, celery 100g contains

Energy67 kJ (16 kcal)
Carbohydrates2.97 g
Sugars1.34 g
Dietary fiber1.6 g
Fat0.17 g
Protein0.69 g
Water95.43 g

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A22 μg
Vitamin B60.074 mg
Vitamin C3.1 mg
Vitamin E0.27 mg
Vitamin K29.3 μg
Calcium40 mg
Copper0.035 mg
Iron0.20 mg
Magnesium11 mg
Potassium260 mg

Types Of Celery Rabbit Can Eat

There are mainly three different celery that we can see commonly. They are Leafy celery, Pascal celery, and cleric.

Leaf Celery: This celery has a thin stalk and aromatic leaves. Leaf Celery has a strong flavor than other types of celery.

  • Par Cel
  • Flora 55
  • Safir

Celeriac: Most of the time we use celeriac plant roots. It’s more delicious.

  • Brilliant
  • Giant Prague
  • Mentor
  • President
  • Diamante

Pascal celery: These celeries are more commonly used in the USA

  • Golden Boy
  • Tall Uta
  • Conquistador
  • Monterey

All these Celery leafy parts are good for rabbits. There are no toxic and harmful things in the leafy parts of the celery plant.

Do Rabbits Like To Eat Celery

Most of the time rabbits like to eat Celery. That is because they like the tasty and crunchy behavior in Celery.  But it depends on your rabbit’s taste. They may not like Celery. Try to provide a small portion of Celery and check how they react to Celery. If the like those, you can provide a small portion as an occasional treat to your rabbit.

If your rabbits don’t like to eat Celery it’s ok & it’s normal. Some rabbits don’t like the flavor of Celery. There is plenty of other good nutritious food. Try to find fresh foods that your rabbits love to eat.

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Tip: When you introduce new food to rabbits, always give a small portion of it to the rabbit’s daily diet. Make sure to introduce one new food type at a time. These things apply to any type of food. Rabbits’ health is in your hands.

do rabbits like to eat celery


Is Celery Safe To Be Eaten By Rabbits?

Celery is a good source of food for rabbits. Celery contains essential vitamins, fiber, minerals & antioxidants. But you should offer only a small amount in your rabbit’s daily diet. We must always take precautions according to the food type we provide to rabbits. We need to cut celery into small pieces before feeding to rabbits. Long celery strings can cause digestive problems. If we feed celery according to a proper guide there is no harm to the rabbit’s health.

Rabbits’ main sources should be hay. We should prioritize hay in the regular diet plan. Overall nutrition can be covered by hay. Unlike humans, fiber is essential to rabbits. It can prevent bad bacteria from forming in the intestines. Some of the bacteria can lead to critical health issues in rabbits. This is why we should give priority to hay. But rabbits can’t live eating hay all day long. We must add veggies and fruits to their daily diet. The end of this article provides you general diet plan and guidance before feeding celery to rabbits. It will help you to understand.

Celery Benefits For Rabbits

Celery is good nutritious food for humans as well as rabbits. Celery contains essential nutrients for the growth of rabbits’ health. Celery is a low calory food that will help rabbits to keep healthy body weight. Celery Contains 95 % of water. Because of the high water content, it contains a low amount of calories and sodium. Celery contains vitamin B6, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, manganese & fiber.

Vitamin C helps muscle development in rabbits & it helps to maintain a healthy blood system. Vitamin C act as an antioxidant that helps the bones, skin, and connective tissues. Vitamin C is essential for rabbits, as lack of vitamin C in rabbis can cause scurvy disease. This is a common illness among rabbits.

Celery is also good for rabbits’ teeth. They always need to chew to reduce the growth of their teeth. Celery can provide good taste and crunchiness to your rabbit. 

Celery is a fine source of Vitamin K. It will help to maintain healthy boons. Celery increases the efficiency of the immune systems in rabbits and provides vitamin E. Vitamin E also acts as an antioxidant in the rabbit’s body. Fiber helps to increase the efficiency of the digestive systems of rabbits.

type of celery rabbits can eat

Health Risks of Celery for Rabbits

Most of the Celery in the market are applied with pesticides. These chemicals are harmful to rabbits. They can lead to serious health problems in rabbits. Wash it thoroughly before feeding to rabbits.

We need to prepare celery correctly before feeding to rabbits. If there are long celery fibers, they can get trapped along the digestive tract in rabbits. These things can lead to critical health issues in rabbits. Before feeding celery, cut it into small pieces so that rabbits can easily eat it.

Celery contains more than 95g of water in 100g of Celery. Overfeeding them can lead to critical issues like diarrhea. Do not feed Celery for baby rabbits less than 12 weeks of age. They have a more sensitive gastrointestinal system. Because of the high sugar in Celery, it can increase weight. This is called obesity risk in rabbits. Weight gain in rabbits is mainly caused due to eating too much food and lack of exercise. 

How Often Rabbits Can Eat Celery

We need to provide any vegetables or fruits according to the diet plan. Most of the vegetables are good for rabbits. Even good vegetables can be harmful if we do not serve them with the correct amount.

We can give a little bit of celery each day if your rabbit is not showing any health issues. Once your rabbit is used to eat celery, increase the amount. Generally, we recommend providing ½ stick amount of celery daily for rabbits. Always keep the moderation. We need to add a variety of different veggies to the rabbit’s diet. Try to maintain a timetable for the rabbit’s diet. Don’t try to overfeed them with celery. Overfeeding can lead to many health problems. Therefore, limit the amount of celery and always keep the moderation.

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Proper Guide To Feed Celery For Rabbits

As we know now celery is good, natural food for rabbits. But there is a guide you must follow before feeding celery. Let us check it out.

Before introducing celery to rabbits for the first time, you need to start up with small portions. Keep monitoring them 24 hrs & check whether they show some illness such as diarrhea, lethargy, constipation, and loss of appetite. If they do not show any kind of illness, you can increase the amount slightly to your rabbit. Don’t try to introduce many kinds of foods at the same time & try to give the same food until they are fully adapted to eat. Keep in mind to introduce a small portion of the new food with other regular foods (daily diet). Follow up the rules for better rabbit health. 

Preparing celery for rabbits:

  1. Purchase good quality celery for rabbits. Try to find organic celery, they are much better for rabbits’ health.
  2. Carefully wash them to remove any chemicals or wax that could be harmful to the rabbit’s health.
  3. Cut them into small chunks: ½ inch long, this will reduce the choking hazards and blockage in the digestive tract.
  4. You can provide ½ stick of celery to your rabbit.
  5. Always provide water for them.

Don’t try to overfeed them. Do not feed celery for baby rabbits less than 12 weeks of age. Always provide a small amount of celery as a part of your rabbit’s daily diet. Moderation is the key to rabbits’ health.

how often should we give celery to rabbits?

Can Rabbits Eat Celery Leaves?

Celery leaves are the most important part that can feed rabbits. They are healthy and provide good nutrients for the growth of rabbit’s health. There is no chance of risk of choking hazard when we feeding celery leaves to rabbits. We can add celery leaves as leafy greens to rabbit’s diets. 

Can Rabbits Eat Celery Stalks?

Yes, Rabbits can eat celery stalks. There are no toxic compounds in celery stalks. We need to do preparations as we discussed above before feeding celery stalks to rabbits. There is a chance of blockage in the digestive tract if we provide long stalks for rabbits. Always cut into pieces and reduce the probability of health risks.

Can Rabbits Eat Celery Roots Or Celeriac?

Generally, celery roots are called celeriac. There are no toxic parts in the roots also. Rabbits can eat the root, but it contains high starch. If you want to give some portion to rabbits it will be fine. But it’s much safer to avoid feeding celeriac to rabbits. Overfeeding those can definitely cause health issues in rabbits.

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Can Rabbits Eat Celery Seeds?

Don’t try to feed celery seeds to rabbits. Most of the time rabbits’ digestive systems can’t handle things like seeds. It’s much better if we avoid feeding any seeds to rabbits. Don’t even try to test if your rabbit-like celery seeds or not.

Alternatives For Celery?

Rabbit’s diet should mainly be covered with quality hay and grass. In addition, we can provide a small portion of vegetables and fruits. We recommend giving two cups of fresh vegetables to adult rabbits daily.

  • Bell peppers
  • Bok choy
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Endive
  • Green leaf
  • Red leaf
  • Parsley
  • Fennel

Fresh fruits should be served one or two times per week as a treat.

  • Grapes
  • Banana
  • Berries
  • Melon
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Plum
  • Watermelon
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Orange

What Rabbits Really Need For Their Diet

Your rabbit’s diet should mainly contain fresh quality hay, grass, and clean water. Unlimited hay supply is extremely important to their health. This guide will give you an overall idea of what should be contained in the rabbit’s diet.

Freshwater: They must have an unlimited supply of fresh water. Use water bowls, it’s easy for rabbits to drink water & easy to clean. Make sure to change the water daily.

Unlimited Quality Hay: Keep feeding fresh grass hays. We recommend giving good types of hays to your rabbit. Such as timothy, orchard grass, etc.

Pellets: For bunnies, you can provide timothy hay pellets in a very small amount. For adult rabbits, you need to provide one-quarter of a cup daily.

Vegetables: Feed them daily 1 -2 cups with fresh vegetables. Some good vegetables are bok choy, carrot, endive, brussels sprouts, basil, mint, green leaf, red leaf, etc.

Fresh Fruits: Give a small amount of about 1 – 2 per week. Some good fruits are apples, bananas, berries, cherries, grapes, papaya, plum, watermelon, etc.

can bunnies eat celery?


Celery is good food that contains high water and fiber content and they are low in calories. There is no part in Celery that is toxic for your rabbits. It provides essential nutrients like Vitamin A, Magnesium, Manganese, Vitamin K, Vitamin B, Folate, Phosphorus, Thiamine in your rabbit’s daily diet.

Generally, we recommend providing ½ stick amount of celery daily for rabbits. We need to add a variety of different veggies to the rabbit’s diets. Try to maintain a timetable for the rabbit’s diet. Don’t try to overfeed them with celery. Overfeeding can lead to many health problems. Therefore, limit the amount of celery and always keep the moderation.

 I think this article covers all the things you should know about Celery before feeding your Rabbits.

Thank You !!!

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