can rabbits eat raisins
can rabbits eat raisins

Can Rabbits Eat Raisins?

Can Rabbits Eat Raisins? YES. Raisins are good treats for rabbits. Raisins are a popular snack for people all around the world. As a rabbit lover, you may be wondering whether to feed raisins to your rabbits whenever you have them. Yes, rabbits love to eat sweet treats like Raisins. Raisins are low in calories and high in nutritional benefits for rabbits. But we can’t provide those daily. Because of the high sugar content, overfeeding them can lead to many health problems in rabbits. We can only provide them as an occasional treat for rabbits. Raisins are good, cheap and rabbits can easily eat them without any food preparations.

We can’t provide them raisins on a daily basis. As good rabbit owners, we must give priority to good-quality hay. Rabbits take almost all nutrients from hay for their healthy growth. But hay nutrition is not enough for them. We need to add some fresh vegetables, fruits, and treats according to the proper amount. Raisins are also a good treat if you’re looking for some food treats for your rabbits. But raisins are not completely safe for rabbits. Let’s talk more about Raisins and rabbits. This article covers all the things you should know before feeding rabbits.

Video Credit For Pet Farm for Kids YouTube Channel

Extra Information About Raisins

Raisins are Basically dried grapes. Nowadays we can find Raisins in any supermarket. They are different from the drying process and ingredients mixed. California is the largest producer of raisins. The end product raisin color changes according to the drying process. To make 1 ton of Raisins 4 tops of grapes are needed. Golden Raisins are made by Owen dried and use sulfur dioxide to get yellow color. Most of the time golden Raisins are used for baked goods. Brown raisins are made from Sundries. Brown ones are popular for snacks.

Raisins are packed with good nutrients. Raisins are a good source of calories, sugar, carbohydrate, fiber, iron, potassium, copper, vitamin, and manganese. We can add some health benefits if we add raisins to our diets. Raisins contain less amount of water. Because of that, we eat more raisins to feel fill. Overeating these types of snacks is also bad for health even for humans.

According to the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA), 100g of Raisins contain these nutrients,

Energy1,250 kJ
Carbohydrates79.3 g
Sugars65.2 g
Dietary fiber4.5 g
Fat0.25 g
Protein3.3 g
Water15.5 g

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin B60.174 mg
Vitamin C2.3 mg
Vitamin E0.12 mg
Vitamin K3.5 μg
Calcium62 mg
Magnesium36 mg
Phosphorus98 mg
Potassium744 mg
IS raisins can be good for rabbits as a treat


Do Rabbits Like To Eat Raisins

Absolutely. Rabbits like to eat Raisins. We have not met a single rabbit that does not like Raisins up to date. Most of the time they like to eat sweet things. Keep in mind even if they like them, we can’t provide these treats more often. As you can see in the nutrition chart, Raisin water amounts are less than natural grapes. Rabbits will tend to eat more Raisins to feel fill. We must make sure to only give Rasins only in a limited amount in moderation.

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When you are feeding Rasins for the first time, serve them a small amount and keep monitoring for 24hrs. Check whether they have some gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea. Don’t feed your rabbits if they show some health issues after eating raisins. If your rabbits can handle raisins without any issue, you can increase the amount and provide them as an occasional treat to rabbits.

Are Raisins Good For Rabbits

Raisins are good to treats for rabbits only if we serve them the right amount as an occasional treat. Raisins have no poisons or toxins that can harm rabbits’ health. The only problem is Raisins contain a high amount of sugar. Rabbits can handle a little amount of these treats without any problem or health issues. Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems that can fragile very easily. Overfeeding Raisin can cause discomfort and digestive problem.

Serving the right amount of Raisins can surely add health benefits and nutrients to your rabbits. Raisins are a rich source of antioxidants that can help for the healthy growth of your rabbits and they are low in calories. Make sure to serve them in moderation and wash them before serving market products for rabbits. Organic raisins products are much safer to serve rabbits.

do rabbits like to eat raisins

How Many Raisins Can We Feed Rabbits?

This is the fact that most rabbit owners ignore and all rabbit owners should know this fact. We all must know the correct amount of vegetables, fruits, or treats that should be fed to rabbits. When you’re trying a new food for rabbits, always check whether it’s safe for your loving rabbits and whether it is the right amount for feeding. For these Raisins too, we can’t provide them on a daily basis. Overfeeding them can lead to many health problems. Follow a proper guide to reducing health problems and issues.

We can provide one teaspoon of raisin per two pounds of your rabbit’s weight. That is more than enough for rabbits. Make sure not to overdo it and we can provide Raisins a few times per week. Another thing is we must make sure not to provide another sweet food treat with raisins. Always keep the moderation for better rabbit’s health.

Health Benefits Of Raisins For Rabbits

Raisins are a great treat for rabbits. Raisins are a good source of calories, sugar, carbohydrate, fiber, iron, potassium, copper, vitamin, and manganese. Raisins have a high level of antioxidants that will help to grow as healthy rabbits. Antioxidants in raisins can help to prevent cell damages, prevent cancers, and support as anti-inflammatory mediators in rabbits’ bodies.

Raisins are a good source of potassium, that can help to reduce high blood pressure, strokes, and many heart diseases. Raisin contains soluble fiber which aids digestion and reduces stomach health issues. Raisins are a good source of tartaric acid that can help to balance the bacteria in the gut.

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Raisin is also a good source of vitamins like Vitamin C, K. Vitamin K helps to grow healthy bones in rabbit’s bodies. Vitamin C helps muscle development in rabbits & it helps to maintain a healthy blood system. Vitamin C act as an antioxidant that helps the bones, skin, and connective tissues.

Risk Of Feeding Raisins For Rabbits

The main problem with raisins is they contain a high amount of sugar. Rabbit’s digestive systems can’t operate properly if we overfeed them and fill them with sugary food. Feeding sugary food frequently can be harmful to rabbits. These things can lead to diarrhea or indigestion. And another thing is feeding your rabbits with high sugary food can lead to long-term health issues. Like your rabbit becoming overweight.

Raisins are made with grapes that are sprayed with chemicals and pesticides by farmers. When raisins are packed for commercial products, farmers also add some chemicals to them. These high levels of chemicals can harm your rabbit’s health. Make sure to wash them properly before feeding to rabbits.

Because of the less water amount in Raisins, rabbits will eat more of them to fill their stomach.

Overfeeding them can lead to digestive issues like gas, cramps, and bloating. We must make sure to only feed a small number of raisins as an occasional treat for rabbits. If we give sweets things to rabbits often, they become addicted to eating sweets. They always need and beg you to give more Raisins. Always stick to small portions and keep the moderation.

how to feed raisins for rabbits

Can Rabbit Eat Grape Or Raisin Seeds?

Rabbits can eat grapes seeds without any issues. Most of the time rabbits chew these seeds and they contain good nutrients for rabbits. But don’t take any risk. If raisins have seeds, we can just take a look and remove seeds. It will reduce the risk of choking hazards in rabbits. Raisins are made from both seed and seedless grapes. Be aware if they are made from seed grapes.

Can We Feed Raisin To Baby Rabbits?

We can’t provide Raisins for baby rabbits. They can’t handle surgery foods. Baby rabbits have an even more sensitive digestive system. When it comes to surgery foods, they can’t digest those properly. It’s better if we avoid feeding these things to baby rabbits.

Alternatives For Raisins?

Rabbit’s diet should mainly be covered with quality hay and grass. In addition, we can provide a small portion of vegetables and fruits. We recommend giving two cups of fresh vegetables to adult rabbits daily.

  • Bell peppers
  • Bok choy
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Endive
  • Green leaf
  • Red leaf
  • Parsley
  • Fennel

Fresh fruits should be served one or two times per week as a treat.

  • Grapes
  • Banana
  • Berries
  • Melon
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Plum
  • Watermelon
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Orange
best rabbits food guide for raisins


Raisins are good to treat rabbits only if we serve them the right amount as an occasional treat. Raisins are a good source of calories, sugar, carbohydrate, fiber, iron, potassium, copper, vitamin, and manganese. Raisins have no poisons or toxins that can harm rabbits’ health. The only problem is Raisins contain a high amount of sugar. Overfeeding them can lead to many health problems.

Provide one teaspoon of raisin per two pounds of your rabbit’s weight only a few times per week. Make sure to wash them carefully and to always keep the moderation. I think this article covers all the things you must know about Raisins before feeding rabbits. Thanks for reading today. 

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