can rabbits eat chocolate
can rabbits eat chocolate?

Can rabbits eat Chocolate?

Can rabbits eat Chocolate? No. Absolutely No. Don’t ever try to feed chocolate for rabbits. We know Chocolate is one of the favorite foods among children and also adults. Almost every house in the world has chocolate in their houses. Cholates are a harmless and good treatment for humans. But for rabbits, it’s the opposite side for them. As rabbit lovers, we know you want to know why we can’t serve chocolate for rabbits. In chocolate, there are poisonous compounds for rabbits. If they eat chocolate, it will lead them to critical health issues.

There is a lot to learn about Chocolate and Rabbits. This article covers all the information you need to know about chocolate. Components that are included in chocolate will harm your rabbits and those react within the rabbit’s body. This article also covers things you should know in case if your rabbit eats chocolate accidentally and the things you should do.

Let’s get started without any delay!!!

Do Rabbits like to eat Chocolate?

Why not, they will definitely eat them if you give them chocolate. They can’t understand whether it is poisons or not. They like to eat sweet things. Don’t ever try to feed Chocolate for rabbits even if they like to eat them. It is up to you to protect the health of your pet.

We need to care for rabbits always more than other pets. Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits need more attention in their health and diet.

why rabbits canlt eat chocolates


Is Chocolate safe for Rabbits?

The direct answer is no. Don’t try to feed chocolate to check whether they like it or not. Rabbits have a more complex digestive system than other animals. As we know chocolate contains high sugar. A bit of chocolate contains too much sugar content for rabbits. Overfeeding them can increase the sugar level and it may lead to an increase of bacteria in the belly of rabbits. They can’t digest heavy loads of starchy foods. Overloading the rabbit’s belly with starchy foods can lead to serious digestive discomfort for rabbits.

But that is not the main reason why we are telling you not to feed chocolate to rabbits. Because it contains poisonous compounds for rabbits. You might think if we can eat chocolate without any health issues why rabbits can’t eat chocolate even a tiny bit. Chocolates are made with Theobromine and Caffeine. These things are deadly poisons for rabbits in many causes.

Can Rabbits Have Chocolate?

Never provide chocolate for rabbits. They are listed as unhealthy food for rabbits. There are other food types that can be harmful to rabbit health.Some of them are Onions, Leeks, Corn, Peanuts, Walnuts, Pecan, cat foods, mushrooms, oats, almonds, popcorn, etc.

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Why Is Chocolate Toxic For Rabbits?

We all know the easter bunny comes with Chocolate. But the sad thing is that unfortunately, rabbits can’t eat them. The main thing we know about Chocolate is that they are made from seeds of cocoa pods (cocoa seeds). As we discussed earlier chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine. These things are quick and good energy boost for humans. Theobromine and caffeine are generally called nerve stimulants.

Even a tiny bit of chocolate can be a huge impact on rabbits’ health. It stimulates the brain and nervous system. Both theobromine and caffeine affect health in the same way and are called methylxanthines. These things stimulate with rabbits’ nervous system and they lead to dehydration and increase the heart rate of your rabbits. Increasing the heart rate of rabbits can be dangerous and can lead to heart attacks and respiratory failures.

These compounds don’t affect humans even if we ate in large amounts. But a tiny bit of chocolate can contain theobromine and caffeine in huge doses for rabbits. Take this as a serious health issue. Chocolate can stop the nerve functions of rabbits’ bodies and can lead to death. This is the hard truth about Chocolate and rabbits.

can rabbits eat dark chocolate

What Should We Do If Rabbits Ate Chocolate

It is our responsibility to give correct information to the rabbit’s owners. The sad truth is even a tiny bit of Chocolate can be deadly for your rabbits. If they ate chocolate, symptoms may not be seen instantly. It will take 8 -12 hours to show some symptoms. If you see rabbits eat chocolate somehow, please don’t wait until they show symptoms. Quickly go to the vet and get treatments. Try to remove the Chocolate dose from rabbits’ bodies as fast as possible. It helps your rabbits to get quick recovery.

You can provide water as much as possible. It’s the best way to mitigate the poison dose from rabbits’ bodies. Water can help to flush out some amount of poisons from the body. Meet the vet as soon as possible and they will start treatments right away. Chocolate poisoning treatments are the same as for other animals. They will first treat serious symptoms like arrhythmia and then they will remove poisons from your rabbit’s body.

How Often Should We Give Chocolate To Rabbits?

Now you know how bad chocolate can be for rabbits. Never ever try to feed chocolate even as a small treat. As a rabbit lover, you must take all precautions to remove all chocolate stuff away from rabbits. We must not serve chocolate to any age type of rabbits. Even for baby rabbits, juvenile rabbits, or adult rabbits.

It’s our responsibility to take care of the rabbits. Don’t ever try to feed chocolate for rabbits. Even 1 ounce of chocolate can be fatal for rabbits’ health. If they eat more than that, it can be fatal for rabbits.

Can Bunnies Eat Chocolate?

As you know, chocolate is bad for rabbits. We must avoid feeding chocolate to rabbits too. They can be lead to critical health issues in the bunny’s health.

Can Rabbits Have Dark, White, Or Milk Chocolate?

No. All types of Chocolate contain Theobromine and Caffeine which are poisonous for rabbits. Dark Chocolate contains a high amount of sugar, theobromine, and caffeine. These dark Chocolates are fatal for rabbits. White chocolates are not actually chocolate. Those are not made from cocoa. Those are made from milk solids. But those contain some amount of Theobromine and Caffeine. Even if they have less poison dose, never try to feed your rabbits. Don’t take any risks by feeding them with white chocolate.

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Milk chocolates are made with dark chocolate and dairy. As we talked earlier dark chocolate has a high amount of theobromine and caffeine. Even a combination of dark and dairy can be fatal for your rabbits. If rabbits eat any kind of chocolate meet the vet as soon as possible. Treatments are essential when rabbits have chocolate poisoning.

can rabbits eat white chocolate?

Other Harmful Foods For Rabbits

Try to avoid these foods from your rabbit’s diet. These things can be harmful and can lead to serious problems in rabbit’s health.

  • Bread
  • Cookies
  • Yogurt drops
  • Avocado
  • Silverbeet
  • Cereal
  • Walnuts
  • Oatmeal
  • Chocolate
  • Peanut Butter
  • Potatoes
  • Rhubarb
  • Meat

Other Good Foods You Can Provide To Rabbits

Rabbit’s diet should mainly be covered with quality hay and grass. In addition, we can provide a small portion of vegetables and fruits. We recommend giving two cups of fresh vegetables to adult rabbits daily.

  • Bell peppers
  • Bok choy
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Endive
  • Green leaf
  • Red leaf
  • Parsley
  • Fennel

Fresh fruits should be served one or two times per week as a treat.

  • Grapes
  • Banana
  • Berries
  • Melon
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Plum
  • Watermelon
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Orange
rabbits and chocolate

Best Way To Feed Your Rabbit

We need to make a good meal plan for rabbits. We need to provide them with good quality foods. Before feeding rabbits with new food, check whether it’s good for rabbits. As a good Rabbit owner, check whether you cover all the guidelines mentioned below. It’s a general food guide for rabbits.

  • Good Quality Grass Hay -I recommend Timothy hay is the most popular/good, all-around unlimited offer to your rabbits. Orchard grass, meadow fescues are also good for rabbits. Hay is the main food supply. Hay will help your rabbits to stay healthy and strong and maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Fresh Water – Ensure rabbits can have clean, freshwater 24/7. Water bows are most commonly used to supply water for rabbits.
  • Provide Good Quality Leafy Greens – Provide them with 5-6 varieties of safe washed green vegetables, weeds, herbs daily (arugula, basil, kale, cabbage, etc.). Try to introduce new greens within small portions.
  • Treats & Fresh Fruits – For the safety of rabbits, only provide 1 -2 tablespoons per day. Feed carrots, apples, blueberries, etc.
  • Provide Good Quality Pellets – It is good to have a small number of healthy pellets daily. There are too many products out there, keep it in your mind to supply quality and healthy foods for rabbits.


Now we know how bad can be for rabbits if they eat chocolates. Even a tiny bit of chocolate can be a huge impact on rabbits’ health. It stimulates the brain and nervous system. Both theobromine and caffeine affect health the same way and they call methylxanthines. Never ever try to feed chocolate even as a small treat. 

Even 1 ounce of chocolate can be fatal for rabbits’ health. If you see rabbits eat chocolate somehow, please don’t wait until they show symptoms. It will take 8 -12 hours to show some symptoms. Quickly go to the vet and get treatments. As a rabbit lover, you must take all precautions to remove all chocolate stuff away from rabbits.

Thank you!!! 

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